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当前位置: 主页 > Announcement
Information on that close management of part of school doors dat school during winter vacation 2018/01/18 10:31:38
Notice on the regulation of electric vehicle parking to strengthen fire prevention 2018/01/05 10:33:38
he security department has forwarded 30 fire safety tips to the fire department of the ministry of publi... 2017/12/28 10:37:15
The security department's notice about the official launch of the vehicle information management system 2017/12/15 10:38:50
Notice on the interpretation of relevant documents on campus transportation 2017/12/12 10:46:48
The security department's notice on the "119 fire drill" at the lumian campus 2017/11/07 10:51:27
The January 2015 Duty Schedule for the Security Department Leaders 2015/01/06 09:23:25
The January 2015 Duty Schedule for the Three Remediations of Jiuli Campus 2015/01/05 16:59:37
The January 2015 Duty Schedule for the Three Remediations of Xipu Campus 2015/01/05 16:56:05
Notification for the Application for the 2015 Automobile Pass Card 2014/12/25 22:10:16
Announcement on the Elect 2014/11/24 14:30:25
Notification for 2014 Newcomers' Application for the 2nd-Generation ID Card 2014/10/15 15:19:55
关于夏季雨期车辆停放的温馨提示 2014/07/29 10:40:56
保卫处犀浦校区图书馆消防技消更换、维修、维保紧急通知 2014/07/28 10:58:45
2014年户籍科暑假值班安排表 2014/06/20 15:32:16
保卫处反恐防暴警示 2014/06/20 15:32:16
关于查阅《公安部公民安全防范手册》的通知 2014/05/29 13:45:33
关于转发《西南交通大学关于进一步加强犀浦校区校园交通管理的通知》的通知 2014/03/12 11:38:57
关于转发《西南交通大学关于加强犀浦校区校园秩序管理的通知》的通知 2014/03/11 15:26:55
关于办理2014年机动车出入卡的通知 2013/12/12 16:40:29
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